what is your favourite element



New Member
And scientific element that is my favorite: Oxygen.(its in the air so how i wouldnt like it? Wouldnt live without it) And i learned not so long ago that Aluminium in your body increases the chances for Alzheimer disease.


New Member
Air - I like mild days that most people find miserable. I enjoy a light breeze, not warm, not too cold.

Actually, scratch that.

Fire is definately my favourite, i like to burn things. I watch as they burn and it sort of clears my mind. Usually i just go backgarden with lighter and set loads of paper and tisues alight and sit back and watch. It calms me.


New Member
I'ld say water but I can't stand water so I'll say beer.
Yay, my favorite element is beer.

And specific element, ummm, simply metal... :infernal:


New Member
Alchemical Element (Yes the Fire Earth Water Air stuff was done by an alchemist known as paracelcus)
would be Fire (its chaotic and random, just like me..)

Scientific Element: anything nuclear (lets go with...Francium. yeahsss...)