what is your favourite tv show



New Member
I got bad experiences with TV shows. By the time I get interested in a show, it gets removed by the TV producers. Because it happened an amount of times by now, I pretty much gave up.

So as for the answer on the title: 'None, at the moment.'


New Member
Still haven't seen it. Probably because of the recent situations back home.

I prefer to stick with some drama, romance, comedies or so. My favorite remains Fruits Basket and Monster (despite not having finished it yet) though.


New Member
lol yeah house is halerious, as for the simpsons its not that good since its just repeats,futurama i havnt seen before even though i got told its repeats but either way thats funny,lost is a good series cant wait till it starts again XD, the new series super natural is alright and im not into those shows like neighbers and friends