What kind of projects do you like to see more of?



New Member
They should implement a timer in the world editor. Any map that took less then 5 hours to make should crash when played on b.net.


New Member
That wouldn't be honest. I often used to spend five hours, or less, on a map, and finish it during that time. Most of them were melee back then though.

Nowadays, I only work on one map.


New Member
They should implement a timer in the world editor. Any map that took less then 5 hours to make should crash when played on b.net.

I agree. but i do think that some people can create a great td in 5 hours.
Hell ive seen td's that suck balls all over the world but it looked like someone had been working on it for ages!

Same with footies.

King Darkmoor

New Member
TDs are good, but I've always wished that there were some more evolves-style maps. Right now if I ever feel like playing one I have to dust off the old SC cd :(


New Member
I thought strike counter or something. though he inverted the letters.
Anyway. i currently downloaded sc with azures...and its fun but not all that to exciting. whats the magic behind this game?


New Member
I am gosu, and thats that. Starcraft's meele system is far superior to wc3s imo, and a lot of people think so, so thats probly why it is treated as a classic game.


New Member
Hmm, are there any Capture the flag type of maps out, i think that would be a nice idea ;) i guess Warsong Gulch is like that though, never tried..


New Member
Hmm, are there any Capture the flag type of maps out, i think that would be a nice idea ;) i guess Warsong Gulch is like that though, never tried..

Best CTF map IMO is Flag Runners: CTF. I'll put it up later tonight if you want :D


New Member
For Warcraft, yes, there are a few Capture the Flag maps, though all I've played, I can't pick anyone which I found... decent.

Kem Rixen

New Member
Despite that I never played Starcraft, it is well known with the description of: 'It's a classic' :p [/b]
You should pick it up, I think you can get the BattleChest, game and expansion, for less than $15 or around there.