What's In A Name? A Case For More Elite Mods


New Member
While a match is loading, have you ever checked out the player ranking for the game mode you are in on the splash screen? You have only a few seconds so you have to scan it quickly. If this list of "winners" is any indicator of the game's integrity, we are losing the war to the cheaters. These opportunistic terrorists are alive and well within the ranks in the same army committed to their eradication.

While many of the top players are truly legitimate, several cheaters boast proudly with in-your-face names like: IOPKREPORTME, IHAXTOKILLU, GLITCHANDROLL, to name a few past and present. Ethical players work hard as cheaters hack, glitch, OPK, tank, and cham their way onto the same list. "Catch me if you can" is their game instead of Combat Arms.

And if that is not enough, players and clans see fit to create names that are racially offensive or make the porn industry rise an eyebrow and jealously lament. While most of us are against censorship in most forms, we would readily agree that vulgarity and explicit sexual references just aren't required for game play. Nexon's creation appeals to the young and old. It not only has a challenging and fascinating environment with which to play in, it also has an extensive social network. Few online FPS's can claim the caliber of Nexon's efforts.

Although an avid CA participant and clan leader, I realize I have little control over the prolific breeding of these cheaters, haters and porn geniuses outside a room in CA, however, I can control what happens once they enter. As an EM, I have decided to rise the bar towards Nexon's intended standards: players whose names contain explicit cheating or sexual references will not be allowed to stay. My message to them is simple: "Respect the game and other players. You wouldn't drive down the road with I'm a speeding drunk driver painted on the side of your car, so why enter a room full of strangers and inform them you cheat, who you hate, or favorite sexual interests."

Nexon has created wonderful product and environment. As EM's we should continue to join together to preserve the high gaming standards and social environment that the designers created. Send a message: players with whose names explicitly announce their favorite cheating skill, least like race or sexual abilities must find another room. Hopefully, many soldiers will equip themselves with Elite Moderator and dominate the channels and encourage this game's undesirables to find another online game to terrorize.


Active Member
I agree with you!
I have noticed that some on the top 5 list are obviously chammers due to there revealing user name.
I'm happy with combatarms now I haven't seen or bumped into any hackers.


Active Member
certainly its true, last night i was looking my M16 status at Combat Arms official site, and i saw that, a pretty low ranked dude had more headshots that total kills, i was like WTH?!?!? also some stoopid names...


Active Member
certainly its true, last night i was looking my M16 status at Combat Arms official site, and i saw that, a pretty low ranked dude had more headshots that total kills, i was like WTH?!?!? also some stoopid names...

LOL. My way of telling an absolute hacker is that if his KDR is higher than his GPA there is no doubt hes a hacker. There is no doubt hes a hacker if his HS percent is higher than his kills, so he is more than likely a hacker unless something got glitched in an account stat reset, but I highly doubt it, so I'm sure hes a hacker.


Active Member
I play in Elite rooms most of the time and I see hackers everynite.Some of the elite rooms are all hackers.
As for whats in a name ? I'm not sure .Some names should not be let on the CA. I agree.
But not all peeps that have bad names are hax or cheat.


Active Member
I avoid elite rooms only because I've been kicked quite a few times before for no reason but skill. If they're on the other team they dont like me because I can kill them and if we're on the same team they dont like me because I can do better than them. There is too much elite abuse so I try to stay outa the rooms, but every once in a while I'll go in one, and usually its a bad experience. And I've been seeing alot of Hardcore hackers, but no OPKers and Tappers, so I guess combat arms in making an improvement. I kinda found something wierd though, my friend was looking up a bit on PunkBuster, and it turns out they dont ban or patch OPKers because they dont get paid to do it, they only get paid to patch and ban free hackers, VIP from what I understand you have to pay for.


Active Member
I play in one Elite room alot and they kept kicking a clan mate of mine out for hacking
So my mate opened a room ant thoughs peeps came to his room and kick him out of his own room i was not an Elite room
Anyway my mate got so p ssed off .I asked him if he was hacking and he quit my clann
He was always a pain in my butt anyway.
You just never no.


Active Member
Yea, I know what you mean, but still Elite abuse is just away of 10 year olds making themselves feel better about losing and a way to get back at someone who has more skill. The main problem with Combat Arms is that its players are too inmature, if they would grow up a bit, we wouldnt have to deal with a blocker stoping us from saying sniper, and a worthless hackshield that stops us from playing.

Jordan B

Active Member
I am an elite myself, have been for 90 days. Hackers have all been sorted out now, haven't seen any obvious blatant hacking in atleast 2 weeks. A few chammers, and a few dodgy aimbots, but that's about it.
I avoid elite rooms only because I've been kicked quite a few times before for no reason but skill. If they're on the other team they dont like me because I can kill them and if we're on the same team they dont like me because I can do better than them. There is too much elite abuse so I try to stay outa the rooms, but every once in a while I'll go in one, and usually its a bad experience.

That's exactly why i say out of EM rooms. Most times im on the opposing team of the EM i get kicked and needless to say i don't like getting kicked.

Granted I've seen some good EMs but i've seen a heck of alot more bad ones.
Personally, i think nexon needs to get some more official nexon Mods out there.
of course there are some mods that have bad judgment or abuse powers. But hey thats no different than EMs


Active Member
they just are skillsless noobs taht kik everyone better than them...i'll make an Elite Mod Humilliating Montage so we all can LOL at dab EMs...


Active Member
Thats what I mean, Like nexon needs to have appointed moderators who go into every game and no really look for hackers but just people who are going to creat a problem and remove them from the game, and give them a warning. Moderators do nothing against hackers but creat a bigger problem, and Nexon makes more than enough money on NX from Combat Arms to afford this.


New Member
Granted I've seen some good EMs but i've seen a heck of alot more bad ones.
Personally, i think nexon needs to get some more official nexon Mods out there.
of course there are some mods that have bad judgment or abuse powers. But hey thats no different than EMs

Agreed! I've also seen MANY more bad mods than good mods. I've been kicked out of rooms many times before I've even played a match, because the EM wants his friends to come into the room and there's not enough space. Just put a password on the room!
I've also been booted for complaining about a blatant hacker (before I noticed he was in the EM's clan).

OFFICIAL Mods would be appreciated. But allowing anyone to just buy the status is wrong.

Overall, I'd say EMs have done more harm than good to the game.

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