What's in the newest patch? (mid september)


New Member
what is in it? Cause I clicked CA, and it started patching, but I quit cause I didn't have a lot of time.

I wish I knew, but I haven't even gotten a patch yet. For the first time ever, all I get is the Black Screen of Infinite Loading.

And I was really pumped to play tonight! I hate computers...

Jordan B

Active Member
Stupid NX Prepaid only stuff.

Now only NX Prepaid users can buy Mercs, and Supply Cases (includes GP cases) .

Freaking lame.

Elite SEAL

The damn whippersnappers...

(of course, most of them have probably never heard that expression...)
ha ha, I have -I don't use it and nobody really uses it much anymore though.

Happy Birthday Seal .
They should give a hire rank for your B D
I don't care about rank as much as getting lots of GP and stuff, although I guess I wouldn't object -maybe get all the way to 2nd lieutenant, lol so I can get an M416

Stupid NX Prepaid only stuff.

Now only NX Prepaid users can buy Mercs, and Supply Cases (includes GP cases) .

Freaking lame.
that sucks, thanks Nexon.

Hopefully they will fix the hack sheild .
"that'll be the day"


Active Member
Hmmm. I might try it out. Combat arms has decided that it doesnt like the driver for my mouse, so I'm not going to change hardware to play, or I just might because of my rank, but I'm looking to get into a new fps game. I'll check it out later, like I say with new games, but I never really get around to trying them out.
It sounds good for causal players because weaps can be rented or bought, and the rented weapons only expire when your playing (so 24 hours of fragging, not just 24 hours) Which is my biggest complaint about CA aside from the hackers and nexon doing crazy stuff