Wheel of Time AoS



New Member
o_O you revived it from the ashes! I think I should thank you really...
Anyways, right now we have been doing tons of work, and actually I'm hoping to get it hosted right here at Anvil. I have to talk to Arkidas a bit more though.
Finally, we will be done the Beta stage as soon as I can get Questo to make a scoreboard...lazy butt that he is.
Then, after that is done, we'll hopefully get hosted, and have a few organized tests before making version 1.0


New Member
Undead_Lives i made a rather crappy but alright Mydraal skin for a friend, if you want it just ask. here is a screeny. It took me like, 15 minutes by the way o_O
I took this screenshot before i made the final fixes upon him, so his legs will not be showing</span>

Infact i already have a download link up for it so anyways:
Download Here

Anybody is welcome to use it as they like, i really dont mind about Credit for it as its not a very pretty skin at all :/



New Member
@Morrow- Thanks for the offer, but at the moment I'm trying to cut down on my imports :yay:
But you could help me in another way Morrow. I have done a few skins (really just recolors :p) but they become too large. How do I reduce the size?
@Metal- I hope you do, and I'm hoping to organize some tourneys here at Anvil :yay:
@Hunter- Yes well "very soon" didn't happen as soon as I liked...


New Member
Hmm, try to save the skins as a 24bit or 16bit , then convert them. That would most likely make the filesize go down and yet usually still keep the quality. Hope this helps ;)


New Member
Wow that would be really cool! thanks :D
Also just to let you know, i made an edit on the Mydraal and he is only 48 KB. Its still entirey up to you if you want him, just thought i'd let you know his filesize has shrunk considerably.


New Member
Next version will be done by 9:30 AM this Friday, pacific time.
All heros will be finished and many others will have been improved:
Warder, Moridin, Daughter of the Night

Final Boss is also buffed, enjoy killing him, if you even can anymore :eek: