first i come up with the spacing of the words, then look for common words, like "the", "and" etc and I look for repeating numbers, groups of numbers,letters, groups of letters, to signify the use of double letters, like "LL" that help me figure out the word and then find a pattern...
with the "Wawsyeyisnmoteuxevr htamvrfrtaenhPnsre?
trehuadp hetosnps "
one it was alittle harder because i couldnt find the spacing but I noted the space in the "middle" of the words and and if it starts with W chances are the word is "What" and if you look at the letter after the space its h and then back to the "W" and its "a" and so on.
all in all, logic, i use notepad and my head and come up with this...