Who is your favorite Stack Whore?

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New Member
Slick you are pushing me one step closer to pulling out the tape and the digital camera, and putting up a "headshot" to shut you guys up. :twisted:


New Member
man w.e the ones that are hatn on my skills hate on i dont give a fuck...but the ones that just like to give me a hard time ..|.. lol

im with intro i went t because its usually ct stackd i had good intentions i am the most team switchin mofo and u guys know it that play with me a lot...dont be mad cuz i own ur face no matter which fukn team i go to...whether im on stackd side or not dammit dilla or i hate u dilla is always present


New Member
I give props to the pickle for how he plays. Its really tough playing against him and I always welcome the challenge =)

Ramon Knight

New Member
DiLLa said:
man w.e the ones that are hatn on my skills hate on i dont give a fuck...but the ones that just like to give me a hard time ..|.. lol

im with intro i went t because its usually ct stackd i had good intentions i am the most team switchin mofo and u guys know it that play with me a lot...dont be mad cuz i own ur face no matter which fukn team i go to...whether im on stackd side or not dammit dilla or i hate u dilla is always present

... Was any of that english? :p


New Member
Dilla, most of the time we have to shame you into switching, and the old "I'm going to tell Puppet" always seems to help too. :twisted:


New Member
I was on the team that was "stacked" on that map and the only reason that we did so damn well is because we rushed as a team and actually responded to each other. Even a no talent ass clown can take down a great player when he out flanks the other team. I guess if you really want to make sure there is more even competition then get rid of mic's and text communication.

People who play with me know that when I join a side I stay on that side no matter what. Whether we are getting owned hardcore or are absolutely regulating, I don't switch because I either felt like being a T or felt like being a CT and didn't feel like changing for any reason.


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My 2 Cents

I was on the same team as Dilla. Anyone who plays with me, knows im usually the first one to switch. I dont care about my "stats". For this instance though, there were several times i tried to switch, but at the end of some rounds, the CT's actually had like 3 more people then we did.

And yes 2 wrongs dont make a right, but how many times have i played aztec and everyone stacks the CT side. Hardly anyone says anything when that happens.

Yes, aztec is more even sided now, however, ill always give the odd's to the CAMPING team. Especially when they have like 3 more people then we did..

Stacking is always a problem and i dont think pointing out one person is gonna help.

Now some constructive comments like perhaps "autoing" everyone who comes into the server would help.

Lets try to resolve the issue at the source........


New Member

Here are some new canidates. I asked Crisis to comver over more than once, but he never replied so I guess he didn't hear me.
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