Who would like a santa hat avatar?


New Member
o_O Sounds .. difficult to live on stress.
Depends on what you're used to. When being stressed about something (or simply pressured) my concentration seems to increase quite badly.

I guess you'd be the typical work-a-holic type?
No, not really. Despite that I like stress and it has many advantages for me, I am somewhat lazy (and that got even worse when I met a specific friend who tends to yawn every two minutes when she sits) and when it comes to work, I tend to delay it until the last moment. Of course, at the last moment you get more stress again because it has to be finished before the deadline. It all sums up eventually.


New Member
Snow is always a nice surprise here on the west coast of washington. I live about 20 miles away from the ocean so we don't get much snow at all.


I should have it done soon. I'll get started on it now, Mavus.

Edit: Here you go...


Sorry if your avatar has gone through any quality loss. And also, for the weird cut. I'm still getting used to Photoshop, considering I used The gimp forever. It really isn't that good, lol. But I suppose you're using it for humor. :p

Sorry I've been busy lately >.> Thankyou very much for the avatar... I'll be using it next chrissy.


New Member
looks like u did good work ken

also i only jus got snow that stayed on teh ground for more then a few hours today a little late but w/e


New Member
The snow have paid a few visits lately, we had snow one morning last week, and I think we had some snow on Sunday. But it all melts during the weird, warm nights. I would be thankful if I didn't have to see more snow in '07. :p

@Fladian, I see - and sorry about the long quote. :p