why does nintendo do that?


New Member
supersujay said:
well we should go back on topic well y don't u send the zelda department a letter and they might change it for the next zelda game and wind waker has your feature u like so u should get that game

Not to be offensive or anything, but Nintendo never will respond to ONE letter. And anyway, listening to its fans never worked (that's why Twilight Princess sucked), otherwise the Wii wouldn't exist.

And you can't save the end of any Zelda game as it encourages you to complete the item collection 100%. Also, after the game ends, usually the game world would change, like Hyrule Castle exploding in TP or Link leaving Hyrule after OoT- if you could play after the ending, it would be boring. Same with Paper Mario. It's like this for all/most RPGs. :)

Zelda: Wind Waker let's you save after the end, but it just takes you back to the beginning of the game.


New Member
Look simply put the reason is that most Nintendo games have alot of side-quests and stuff for after you beat the game, and they want you to be able to do these side-quests without having to start the game again..


New Member
Adiman423 said:
you see, i would download the VC games if the price of a wii points card was not so extortionate.

You must of posted this in the wrong topic or something because that has nothing to do with this topic....


New Member
I like games liek fable where after you finish it you can go around randomly slaughtering people and making youself even more powerfull :D then again I dont think that wood work with Zelda, i dunno though.


New Member
its so you can play and beat the final boss again, remember if u beat the last boss then save theres no point in playing, okay, some may argue that u can play on to get the rest of the hearts but the point of being able to fight the last boss again is so you can make the time spent collecting those hearts worthwhile and have a boss to kill with maxiumin health, lol this message near put me asleep - Good Luck


New Member
MaxiPower said:
its so you can play and beat the final boss again, remember if u beat the last boss then save theres no point in playing, okay, some may argue that u can play on to get the rest of the hearts but the point of being able to fight the last boss again is so you can make the time spent collecting those hearts worthwhile and have a boss to kill with maxiumin health, lol this message near put me asleep - Good Luck

lol..thnx for taking the time and writing this maxipower