Why is cracker ok?


New Member
I'm very open minded and I agree with you Dirty. Any type of racism is ridiculous, I just don't understand how someone can decide to hate another based upon physical appearances. I also hate affirmative action. If I'm going up for a job and I have better credentials than a another and they get the job because the employer doesn't have enough people of a minority ethnicity is bullshit. If someone is better than me for the job, by all means give it to them, but it cannot be based on how one looks or their ethnic background.

Oh, and if you move to the U.S. you should be prepared to speak the language and that would go for me to if I moved to a foreign country.


New Member
slick said:
Dirty said:
If you come to America, speak fucking English... If you don't FUCK OFF!

Is that a hint?

just for the record.... america does not have a designated "official" language.
we are living in the melting pot...

concerning what Dirty has to say what he speaks is the truth but on the flip side if it doesn't bother you that you dont have history with the. then why should it bother you that you cant slur people in a non-offending term.

to me if someone spits junk out like "the n bomb" or for jews "the k bomb"
it doesn't prove much to me other than the fact that they are ignorant and the fact that someone has to take it to that degree to use it proves even more they dont have anything worth while to say.
yea they can drop these things on eachother but we cant drop it back even in casual commune of friends but does it really matter this much?
what bothers me most bout this post is the question concerning a black president. or even on the same lines a female presidant.
im going to vote for whome i feel will best represent me.
im registered green party so yes yes im a hippy thumpin peace lover
but dang it do we really need all the hate thats flowing ?
greed is what makes capitalism flow on any degree
therefore black, asian, hispanic, white, mix, male/female, they dont discribe to me a presidant
what does is honest, true, looking out for the best of the country,ect.

just a small rant from the eggs...

you may now tune your computers back to more worthwhile p0rn pages


New Member
The US and many states have tried over the many years to make an OFFICIAL language..

This seems to always get shot down.

That is why we have had sections of towns that have had different languages in it... Little Italy... Little Cuba... Etc...

Heck we even had ENGLISH compared to american english....


New Member
Indelible said:
AlphaEMA said:
i guess black ppl just needed to make a name for the white people since they made one for them...who the hell knows...

Possibly so.

I`ve worked in inner city schools for the past 8 years, I`ve been called every name in the book, but mostly the parents that don`t get their way say I`m prejudace, you should see the look on their faces when I tell them my wife is black.....

The slaves use to call their masters "crackers" because of the sound the whip makes.....Look it up, it`s a fact!!!!!!!


New Member
I agree with Dirty. There are black student unions, Negro College funds. Think if someone tried to start a White college fund or something, the blacks would start an uproar about how racist it was. It's always white's being racist to blacks, never the other way around; the door swings both ways.


New Member
the whole race/reverse race thing is sticky and bullshit at the same time.

best line in here so far is "people need to get over themselves"

add to it

"stop whining about insignificant little petty things such as words and
act like a god damn grown up"

and we may be on to something.

my quote is directed at the general population, not you dirty, if you can
see the angle im coming from...


New Member
yeah thats my point.... it doesnt bother me at all to be called a cracker. Its just that there would be an uprise if I used "N" in a rock song.


New Member
Umm..you just aren't listening to the right rock music. Nothing on the radio would get played with the N word but Janes Addiction and Marilyn Manson are both bands who have used the N word in a song that I am aware of.

Janes Addiction-

Marilyn Manson-


New Member
Is there a reason white people call it the "N" word?

Why don't we call it the "C" word?

My Navy buddies and I call eachother Crackers all the time.

I don't like the N word one bit. It pisses me off to even hear it. From a white guy or a black guy. I don't want to hear N*er or N*ah. They both shouldn't be used at all.

I also don't believe in using Irish American, Dutch American or any other form. We are all American. Once we were born here or became Citizians we are Americans. We are one Nation of many cultures, but one Nation.