Wifi usb or just wireless router



I had both, the wii lan adapter and a wireless router, until the router broke :( But every time I tried connecting wirelessly it either took forever or was really slow! The LAN adapter is excellent, I will always get a connection with it...


Active Member
I would recommend the router. It is a longer proccess(you need a phone service DSL ect.) but it is worth it. I heard that the USB connector has some bugs in it. I have had troubles with it myself. Bottom line, a router is better. [/align]


I know a lot of people have already put in their word, but I just wanted to add.

To get one or the other is dependent on what you intend to use. The Nintendo Wifi USB router is great for Nintendo consoles but that is all it can be used for. General Routers are not as great in getting your DS or Wii a absolute solid connection, but they can be used for several other things, from laptops to...well, a lot of stuff.

The choice of what to get is up to you, but do think about the long run, how useful will a USB router be? That depends on how much you use your Wii and/or DS. But on the other hand, how useful will a Router be? That depends on if you use Laptops and other Wireless internet stuff in your home.


New Member
a wireless router is good for the home, but if you say... want to play at a friends and he dosnt have a router, then having the usb device is handy. Also, the usb device is alot cheaper on ebay or other online venders than a wireless router is, and the software is offered on nintendo's site so if you loose the disc (like me) you can just download the 12mb setup file to the computer your going to be connecting through.