Wii Accessories


New Member
Mario said:
I also have the wii sports accesories, the tennis racket, steering wheel, golf attachment i brought the set for i think was £19.99 from Gamestation

I see that all the time. I always think that it looks like shit, and a complete waste of money. Wouldn't you have much rather gotten an old Gamecube game to play, or maybe some Wii Virtual Console games?

Although when MarioKart comes out, I'll be needing a second wheel for my girlfriend. I think I'll get whatever is cheapest, and I'm thinking that this set might be it.


New Member
Theres supposed to be like a Wii Zapper coming out for the FPS type games


New Member
Mario said:
I also have the wii sports accesories, the tennis racket, steering wheel, golf attachment i brought the set for i think was £19.99 from Gamestation


I don't have a wiimote like that o_O
Anyone else notice this?
Probably a prototype.


New Member
Mario said:
I also have the wii sports accesories, the tennis racket, steering wheel, golf attachment i brought the set for i think was £19.99 from Gamestation


Although, I don't see the Baseball one there...
They should probably make one.
Maybe they haven't since the wiimote is almost the shape of the handle on the baseball bat.


New Member
GoldenAssassin said:
BeatMario said:
...We know :S

I think it was what the wiimote looked like before.
But they changed it, for some odd reason.

Nah, that image is just a computer generated model.

Same difference -_-
But why would a "computer generated model" be different from the real thing...?
Riddle me that :D