Wii DVD update soon?



Ok, so Nintendo said that the Wii would have DVD/CD capabilities by the end of the year...


Of course it hasn't happened!

But in Japan they did get a nice apology...

"Although we had told you that we planned to release the model described above in the latter half of 2007, we will not be able to. We are currently focusing our efforts on manufacturing the current version of the hardware and fulfilling the strong demand in Japan, the US, and Europe.

We apologize deeply for troubling our customers and making you wait. We humbly ask for your understanding." Link

:) I'm still not bothered if I can watch DVD's on my Wii, but I'm sure there is enough people who would like to see it!


New Member
supersujay said:
has anyone heard of a dvd update from nintendo?

Um, sujay. Nintendo would not privately announce it. That is what this thread is about. If they do comeout with an update (Even though it is not possible because it would be a hardware update), then the would publically announce it, probably through the Wii messages.