Wii starts to lose sales in Japan



New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
yeah. It will be very intressting to see how its gonna be during the Christmas time :)

ya i bet the wii will have a good christmas in america since galaxy and brawl is coming before christmas...


New Member
supersujay said:
ps3 will never out sell the wii and that probably happens since ppl r starting to get there wii and no one wants to buy a second one

You really have no clue what your on about. There's a huge chance the Wii could be passed out by the PS3 if for example there was a price drop.


New Member
Ryano said:
supersujay said:
ps3 will never out sell the wii and that probably happens since ppl r starting to get there wii and no one wants to buy a second one

You really have no clue what your on about. There's a huge chance the Wii could be passed out by the PS3 if for example there was a price drop.

ye if there was a price drop with the ps3 it would most definitely out sell the wii
One more importent thing to see is that Wii´s software sales arent so good. The hardcore players only have Zelda and Meteroid and the other´s buys wii for party games and when they have one or 2 they dont buy anymore. Wii consoles sales like butter in the sun but the games aren´t.
But i think we gonna see a change about that after the big N´s flagships arives , and we all now whicht games they are dont we?? ;D


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
One more importent thing to see is that Wii´s software sales arent so good. The hardcore players only have Zelda and Meteroid and the other´s buys wii for party games and when they have one or 2 they dont buy anymore. Wii consoles sales like butter in the sun but the games aren´t.
But i think we gonna see a change about that after the big N´s flagships arives , and we all now whicht games they are dont we?? ;D

Yeah we do, NINJABREAD MAN!!! XD


New Member
Ryano said:
supersujay said:
ps3 will never out sell the wii and that probably happens since ppl r starting to get there wii and no one wants to buy a second one

You really have no clue what your on about. There's a huge chance the Wii could be passed out by the PS3 if for example there was a price drop.
There was a price drop only like 1 million PS3's sold so will it outsell 5 million more?? I still see Ps3's in the store..


New Member
Danny said:
Ryano said:
supersujay said:
ps3 will never out sell the wii and that probably happens since ppl r starting to get there wii and no one wants to buy a second one

You really have no clue what your on about. There's a huge chance the Wii could be passed out by the PS3 if for example there was a price drop.
There was a price drop only like 1 million PS3's sold so will it outsell 5 million more?? I still see Ps3's in the store..

Yeah but the price drop wasn't in the EU, if it was then anything could happen.