WiiWare, what have you got?


New Member
I have: Final Fantasy Cristal Chronicals
A decent game that WILL make you adicted to it at least the first playthrough, if you are not a person that hates Fantay Rpg.
The game would bea mixtcure between simcity and settlers with a little rpg on the top.
what you do in this game is build houses and other building,hire adventuers,sned out adventures,talk to people and watch cutsences. Maybe not the best combination ever but it's still a fun game wich is very adicting.A plus is also some decent graphis for a downloadable game and the pay'n'play fetutre wich is almost necery if you want a good replay value


New Member
Hey !!! I have a question maybe yo can help me?

I like to play Dr Mario Rx , when I go online I used to enter really quick and always was somebody there to play but now I don't know the reason why is taking so long , and sometimes nobody appears to play, do you think is a server problem? or is that nobody plays it anymore? now is almost every night that I've been trying to play it and nobody appears on my game? I hope yo can help me thanks


New Member
well you can buy items in the game with wii points...u pay 100 wii points and u get a new outfit or things like that...but the outfit and the stuff u buy with wii points arent really reneeded

oops sorry i ment final fantasy my life as a king...i dont advise you to buy this game because...you cant do the adventurers yourself...u tell some kids to go to a cave...some die some get lost and some come back...and while they doing that u are building houses...its not that great :glare:

oh and wariorules...you say its weird that when you try to go online at mid night nobody appears? i might got a reason for that...people wanna SLEEP!