WoTG players cheating?


New Member
Thats a joke! I have been part of that clan for years, we had our own server, and plenty of evidence when we said someone was hacking. It's funny to hear that some of the noobs on this server as well as somebody who was banned for hacking that carries the PUNX tag would start pointing fingers. But I guess they would know what to look for. Anyway, before you open your yap have some proof other wise you just look like an asshole. :twisted:


New Member
Hey fuck bag, you brought me up in your little rant. I never said anything about your buddies hacking. Come on here and shoot your mouth off and i'll send you on the first flight out. Suck a dick


New Member
Wow fuck bag, It must have taken you a whole 5 minutes to think of that. This will probably get me banned but It doesn't matter. You must have lost your memory from the severe pain you were in, because the truth hurts. You did accuse someone of recoil hacking. The game that Dilla played with kicking me in game every 5 seconds that was fun too. If it was not you Dilla I am sorry. Anyway if this gets me banned then its not worth playing here anyway.


New Member
Look here is what happened, Puppet accused WoTG| Steeltoe of wall hacking. Steeltoe and I are members of the same gaming clan. I have told my members where a good server was ie: yours, I said the admins were cool they take no bullshit. You guys run your server much the way we used to run our own. Then Toe said he was accused of wall hacking, he got pretty turned off because it was by someone with your clan tag making random accusations. I started this post because if an admin in our clan was talking shit it was where is the proof? If you have none then drop it. Other wise everybody looks like a bunch of crybabies. Then if an admin abused his powers they were removed. I have no problem getting banned if thats how it goes but that is my side of the story. Thanks for opening this back up.


New Member
You did two things in your post. You called me a hacker and an asshole. That was your first post. Never mind the rest. You come in here complaining that I have accused a friend of yours for wall hacking and the funny thing is I have no clue what the hell you're talking about. First you came in and said I claimed he had a recoil hack and then you come back with it being a wall hack. You can't even get your story straight. I don't remember either one. So if he didn't get banned, do you think it's wise to bring your self-righteous ass in here and call me a hacker and an asshole? Punx allows you to be on this server. You seem to think we owe you.


New Member
ya dead, ive had no problems with you, but being a totaly ass to puppet isnt cool, and if you have a problem, then bring it up in a mature manner instead of this crap.

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