WTS: WTS Steam Account, lvl 20, 65+ games, +Rep, Worth Over $1000


New Member
Selling this great account for $300 buy now, or $275 directly through Paypal!
-The buy now is higher because middleman fees will bring it down slightly.
-Great account, great price!

I WILL negotiate price, just send me offers directly at mrtman1018utube1018@gmail.com or comment below

This account is NOT for trade.

If you decide to not do middleman, your Paypal MUST be verified and I will NOT go first unless you have more rep, and can send links to prove you have done this before.

As you can see, my accouint here is verified. I have used this middlman service before. Like I said, we can do middleman or direcly through paypal if you want the account quicker and to avoid fees. It is your choice.

Mature buyers only!

Now, here's some info on the account.

4 years old, a few great badges including the 4 years of service badge and numerous maxed badges for games.
The account will come with an empty backpack for TF2, unless you want to discuss paying more for the inventory.
Has 67 games, most of which are AAA titles, not a bunch of indie games like most accounts you see for sale.
Has nearly the entire COD franchise, a few Assassins Creed games, Rust,Max Payne, DayZ, Gmod and lots of source games, like HL2 and Insurgency. Great selection of action/shooter games. For a little more, I can add my origin and ubisoft accounts with games like BF4, Far Cry 3 and Watch Dogs.

Happy Holidays and make sure to leave some offers if interested

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