Indelible said:Thanks for pointing that out you silly ass-hat!! Why don't you and mom got back to cumming in each others mouths!!! :arrow:
btw- I agree...but we have a bunch of damn pussies in here. Like intro and that lame ass post he did.
Indelible said:Jeez Sort is that the best you got you damn hacker!! The shit coming out of my ass has more imagination that that last post. Go back to using your touch pad and throw some masingil down your pants to kill the stench of your lies. We all know you like to stuff cockroachs down there so you can walk funny. We're on to you!! HACKS AND LIES!!! could dilla win?? He's got a tattood ball sack as his avatar!!!
Intro said:Don't try dragging me into your adolescent namecalling session.
I'm so above that.
Now would you all please open your mouths so I can pee in them.
DeathCorpse said:sorry to bust in on your fuck fest here, Dad just to clarify Mr. Rodgers is an ex-Navy SEAL and he killed so many people in Nam probably including women and children that he felt bad about it and started up his kids show. Have you ever noticed that he never wears short sleeve shirts. thats because he has tats all over his arms.
DeathCorpse said:sorry to bust in on your fuck fest here, Dad just to clarify Mr. Rodgers is an ex-Navy SEAL and he killed so many people in Nam probably including women and children that he felt bad about it and started up his kids show. Have you ever noticed that he never wears short sleeve shirts. thats because he has tats all over his arms.