your favourite sport


New Member
Hockey is one of the most popular sports out here (Not half as popular as football/soccer though), but I have no real interest in it. I did hear that the Netherlands was recently 'kicked' because of Korea and (grr) Germany.


New Member
ugh i hate hockey.
but when i go up to canada wich i only like 50-60 miles from where i live its all hockey they have huge hockey stors and stuff


New Member
Yes out here, hockey is the only sport :p
Nah we also have lacrosse. Which was our country's official sport for a while. Now it's just the summer one, hockey is the official winter sport.


New Member
canadas cool but theres to things i dont like about it
1. hockey....
2. canada seems to have a funky road system ie theres to many one lane roads at least in vancuver


New Member
Yes, that has been repeated before in this thread. Regardless, I'll keep calling 'soccer' football at all times though. After all, most teams' names wouldn't make sense either anymore (F(ootball) C(lub) Twente, Arsenal FC, etc.)

Naturally, I still love it. I am interested in visiting the Abe Lenstra Stadium soon as well... ^^


New Member
Calm down, Mike. Not everyone is too fond on it. I have a habit of talking a bit more about my favorite club than I usually plan to, but that is plainly my fault of not being able to stick to the same subject.

As for Henry (which reminds me a bit of my own (full) real name), he is fine.