Your motto


New Member
yes, well done. who did you steal them off? :p im kidding, im sure you made them up as you said you do that a lot earlier. just like me. i come up with a witty motto on the spot, three seconds later (unless it was a really good one) i've forgotten it.

here's one that's my msn name at the moment: "people are like sausages, it's what's under the skin that's important, so poke them with a fork periodically." i got it from the small book of crap, i can't claim aurthorism on it.


New Member
Okay, about the putting stuff off until tomorrow thing, thats because if I want to pass highschool, I need to turn in homework.


New Member
Turn in homework... gee... I think it has been years since I made homework. I tend to have it done before class ends. =) Or I did not start on it at all, which is quite common for me too. Though it might have been smart if I did some homework now and then for a few classes. :p

Where I stealed it off from? I don't know, it's just what I thought at that moment and for a little while longer.

For one and a half year, I used to have "People in love can do strange things" in my nickname at MSN. Despite not having it in my nickname anymore, I still use it from time to time when talking to people.