A Harry Potter MMORPG? What Do You Think?


New Member
i was watching the latest HP film in theaters and was wondering--after all the games toys and other stuff the franchise has under its belt, wouldnt it be a good idea to develop a Harry Potter MMORPG?

any feedback on this idea?


New Member
I'm surprised one hasn't popped up already. I'm a big fan of the books and movies. Taking my kids to see the films, and seeing how much THEY love them, is one of those simple fatherly joys.

That said, I'm an old school role-player (starting with Dungeons & Dragons at age 10 in 1979) and I HATE MMOs for the most part. Yeah, I'll get flamed for this, but I just can't see something called "role-playing" that doesn't involve sitting around a table with paper, pencils, dice and your fellow geeks.

YES...I realize that it's probably just the next evolution of gaming. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Game on, though.


New Member
I am surprised too at this. Im not sure who the creator is but there is a few "wizard" games. like warcraft and that new one called wizards101


New Member
Oh God please no more MMORPGs..

But since its inevitable, The Matrix Online was awesome. Maybe Harry Potter online would work.