Blackmarket Update Information [EU]


New Member
Sorry to be a little late with this one. Instead of bringing you news that the blackmarket will be updated with new weapons, I've decided to bring you some indepth information on the weapons that we did actually recieve yesterday. This includes some large weapon pictures, and of course, their stats in figures, not bars.


Read the rest of thestory here (1,093 words) : Blackmarket Update Information Indepth - 22/7/09​

Jordan B

Active Member
Just loading the page now, my broadband doesn't renew till the 26th in NZ .

Is this any stuff that NA/AU/NZ hasn't got yet ?

EDIT : Nope, it's the 556, 556 camo, and the 550 Camo . We got those last update for the NA version :p

Thanks anyway Qwibble :)


New Member
I know, but the stats themselves are always useful =)

Your always ahead of us, but when it comes to patches, I can get the information first ^^