COmbatArms Reputation Getting Low


New Member
They got rid of all ot of CHamming Programs (for now) in the new patch. But I still think CA rox

Yup, with free to play games your going to run into problems from time to time. I started playing original Counter-Strike when it was in closed betta, I have seen so many hack users in CS back then it would make CA look like a legit game of monoply with your family. Look at Counter-Strike now, big money, known world wide, big time competition and big sponsorships. Give it time and Combat Arms will be perfected, CA is definitly going places IMO.


New Member
Well I have one. JohnLonzo. He was using the One Place Kill and got me a number of times. I finally left cause I can't stand to be screwed over.



New Member
Meh, I was playing on my alt yesterday and this guy started a conversation with me (summed up):

Guy: "Hey! you're KDR is crazy! 13?!"
Guy: "Without hacking, too!"
Me: "Yeah, I know. lol."
Me: "Wait... are you hacking?"
Guy: "Maybe"
Me: "lol. goodbye" *quits game*

He was pre-firing in some locations that I hadn't even been to... and I played a game with him on my team before, he was decent, but still didn't get as high kills and low deaths as me... and he was hacking. lol.

Bottom line, there are still hackers in the game, it's just not as common.