COmbatArms Reputation Getting Low


New Member
N1KK4R, FU-Hackers-5, FeedBack8o8, Ic_NooB, ICantDie_L0L, eusohackbr, D3monicSet, Liquid_Death, m0neysh0t, N0Swear, synth3t1c, 12b8u, slowhandjc, barbieWOMAN.

Here are a few to get you started.

Glitchers are just as guilty imo, they are still exploiting the game and I will put them on my list as well.

wut about me? im called a hacker but im alll skill! XD


New Member
wut about me? im called a hacker but im alll skill! XD

Bah, that doesnt count! Lol, I think its awesome when I am having a good round and people start saying OMG HAX. LIEKTHIS HAX! As close as I have ever come to using a hack is watching the crap videos posted on youtube.
N1KK4R, FU-Hackers-5, FeedBack8o8, Ic_NooB, ICantDie_L0L, eusohackbr, D3monicSet, Liquid_Death, m0neysh0t, N0Swear, synth3t1c, 12b8u, slowhandjc, barbieWOMAN.

Here are a few to get you started.

Glitchers are just as guilty imo, they are still exploiting the game and I will put them on my list as well.

Wow dude thats alot but , nexon may not accept just names , well FU-Hackers-5 is a hcker but nexon wont bann them unless u have image


I got one that I'm trying to find. He has half underground. IGN was AussiDevil. Your getting close to a sticky, but I have to see a few more members reporting players.


New Member
I haven't been able to take a screenshot by pressing prntscrn. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong because I run in to hackers all the time. Last night on Junk Flea I saw three people running around outside the map.


I haven't been able to take a screenshot by pressing prntscrn. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong because I run in to hackers all the time. Last night on Junk Flea I saw three people running around outside the map.

Is your keyboard a special one that requires you to press "F Lock"? If not, check your Combat Arms folder where everything is installed. When you press PrtScn, it is automatically saved to that folder.

Jordan B

Active Member
ThiagoNeves Is an annoying loser . Him and his whole clan "Supremos BR " are hackers , just check there stats .

And they copied the clan emblem i made . We were together first . Grrrrrrrr . Its exactly the same but their background is VERY SLIGHTLY different . If you look at them next to each other imo they look exactly the same . It really Grinds my gears . Lol


Active Member
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH,****, ***** ,***** ,for**ers , ****,my ,***ng account was ****** ,*****,*****banned by a

sorry for that men...its just that a hacker brought me whole account... this because i killed him at snow valley... he hacked me... and hacked my whole team...we all had to made new accounts...because he put on a new hack....i couldn't take images...sorry, but this hackmakes suicide yourself when you walk.. over the HP/AP panel, start appearing like chats, but it is the word "Owned?" it repeats itself till u leave the game....but i dont know if it affects out for him new IGN is : Biggie_234

Hacker NAME: MrSmith01....

you can expell me cuz of the bad words....



AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH,****, ***** ,***** ,for**ers , ****,my ,***ng account was ****** ,*****,*****banned by a

sorry for that men...its just that a hacker brought me whole account... this because i killed him at snow valley... he hacked me... and hacked my whole team...we all had to made new accounts...because he put on a new hack....i couldn't take images...sorry, but this hackmakes suicide yourself when you walk.. over the HP/AP panel, start appearing like chats, but it is the word "Owned?" it repeats itself till u leave the game....but i dont know if it affects out for him new IGN is : Biggie_234

Hacker NAME: MrSmith01....

No ban yet. You censored them out.

you can expell me cuz of the bad words....


No ban yet. You censored your words out.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH,****, ***** ,***** ,for**ers , ****,my ,***ng account was ****** ,*****,*****banned by a

sorry for that men...its just that a hacker brought me whole account... this because i killed him at snow valley... he hacked me... and hacked my whole team...we all had to made new accounts...because he put on a new hack....i couldn't take images...sorry, but this hackmakes suicide yourself when you walk.. over the HP/AP panel, start appearing like chats, but it is the word "Owned?" it repeats itself till u leave the game....but i dont know if it affects out for him new IGN is : Biggie_234

Hacker NAME: MrSmith01....

you can expell me cuz of the bad words....


WOW DUDE THATS HARDCORE . If i had th4e ability to bann hackers in the game i would but im not mod