Concerned: HL2 comics


New Member
This series is one of the funniest things ever to be appreciated if you've played HL2, or are a fan. The story is about Gordon Frohman who arrives at City 17 one week before our hero (Gordon Freeman). But Frohman is different, he doesn't mind the combine, or Dr. Breen. He's just trying to fit in. The comics are made using Gary's Mod, and follow Frohman as he goes through all the levels in the game (one of the funniest is definately the satire of the Ravenholm level called "We Still Go To Ravenholm"). You'll see some moments where he's about to do something "Freeman-ish" and then ends up blowing stuff up.

The name of the comic comes from letters he keeps sending Dr Breen (who he thinks is kinda like Dr. Phil), all from a concerned citizen.

Check it out here:

Or, start from the beginning:

Or, if you want to see a funny reference to CS, read these:
AND, another set:
