Default weapon change, whats best?


New Member
:)I might get a default weapon change, but i am wondering what might be the best for me....i love sniping and i am OK with assault rifles, and i go insane a lot, (like jumping off a tower to follow someone:eek:) There is the AK-47, M4A1, SR-25, (didn't include MP5 because i hate SMGs.:mad:)

Jordan B

Active Member
Sr25 - Ewww.

M4A1- Good.

Ak47- Best option

But seriously, they are a waste of money, unless you plan to play as much as Greatfullded does.

(He only ever uses Ak47)

Jordan B

Active Member
He is better with the normal one lol, you should check his weapon stats. I personally find the gold distracting aswell. It's so darn pretty.


New Member
default weapon change prices have dropped... quite a bit. I'd personally get MP5,UMP or M590. But since u like rifles... maybe Famas


New Member
k thx for the tip, i would favor a medium-long range assult rifle. One that has excellent accuracy and damage, with fairly average stats, but i lov say the m4, because its recoil is good, as well as rate of fire, and i can get straight headshots easy. I decided i might not get a default weapon change, lol, ill just rent my stuff.