


New Member
That's not kicking you out, that's letting you stay with your friends. Personally I would have said deal with it, life's tough.


New Member
Deviant said:
That's not kicking you out, that's letting you stay with your friends. Personally I would have said deal with it, life's tough.
THey dont even let me sleep in their home they say: You got ur own Home and now fuck off


New Member
Yo Dilla.

I started rolling Dutch Masters every once in a while.

That's a big ass cigar. Gotta throw all your reefer in just to roll a blunt!



New Member
Bunny said:
THey dont even let me sleep in their home they say: You got ur own Home and now fuck off

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New Member
f u shad thats sick..

and hah intro! i use honey dutches...take the leaf off roll the blunt then roll the leaf around it for that extra slow burn


New Member
DiLLa said:
and hah intro! i use honey dutches...take the leaf off roll the blunt then roll the leaf around it for that extra slow burn

It's as if it's the only way.

Shit had me like 20 minutes late for work the other night.

if you smoke blunts, you got some shitty weed. I could get hisg from 3 1 hitters (you can get about 2 tokes off each of them) you should be looking to minamize the amount you smoke for financial and health reasons. only a fool thinks smoking more makes you more high. once you saturate your reci9ptors your baked, you can;t get more than 1 caninaboid on each "button" so start thinking lowest efective dose and stop thinking fat blunts.

fucking noob smokers


New Member
Sorry daddy. But as far as style point go the blunt beats the one hit into the floor. Also, for many people smoking is a social event. Everyone being little bitches toking from thier one hitters is nothing like having a big blunt being passed among friends. It's communal and allows everyone to contribute a little and get a lot back.

I don't even like smoking and I know that.