Does anyone play melee?



New Member
i do play melee at times but my gay comp wont access bnet so iv been melleless for ages..and i just play custom maps since *someone* hint hint* is using my thing all the time so i have to go to another realm.


New Member
sorry wulf but i removed him from list cause of inactivity XD and my lists always full (all mutual BNET friends)
either way you can log on now proply
try a 4v4 people you can win a whole game by afking lol and 4v4 is just insane with all the units


New Member
no no ben, im not riskin that..those people would wanna kill me...maybe like if i say..

"omg afk im having a baby" actually that might be okay...(but in due note the baby would be me goin to the toilet)


New Member
i was aiming for naga siren, but i couldnt be bothered so now im after 1st tourny icon and huntlar icon (bears dryads and PotM is how i play with night elf) then i might start doing random again, my only problem is that if i play random and i get human.... DUM DUM DUM


New Member
Dedegtiv Zeven, and what? :]

errr..who is Dedegtiv? umm well ima aimin for a icon that doesnt looks fugly..somethin dragon like..that has a long face like a turtle thingy..but iv got naga head to me happiez