


New Member
Let's all act like little kids and make fun of someone elses way of life! Jesus fuck WHO CARES! Yes, he got caught hacking, IMO no unban. Yes, he's attracted to either sex. Yes, he apologized and COMPLIMENTED everyone that plays on the server as being kick ass and we say FUCK YOU. If he wants to chill on our forums and just hang out then let him. Every response I read is utterly retarded and unintelligent and I feel dumber for reading this thread. Welcome to the world where there is a ridiculous amount of diversity and congratulations on being closed minded. He apologized about everything, he didn't want any drama, but for some odd reason....PuNx always needs drama to survive. I love you all but open up your minds and realize no one wins because this is the internet and no one will back down. So why not just welcome another to our already wonderful and diverse (very diverse) community. He can't hack on our forums, so what are you all bitching about, is he gonna headshot you through a wall by typing something? It's just another individual tryin to hang out with some people bullshitting about random stuff.

In no way am I trying to be a dick to anyone, I'm very sarcastic when expressing any opinion, it's just how I am so don't come out saying, "I'm more open minded than anyone" or "How could you call us retarded and unintellitgent"; it's just my way of getting a point across. I'm just a little disappointed in how a server/forum filled with mostly adults with careers can respond in such a way. This is my opinion, and if every single person disagrees then I won't be offended because I respect everyones own opinions and only attempt to argue when someone is being a dickhead.


New Member
Good point Deviant , but most of the people around here don't like him at all so why the hell is he still hanging out here ?
I for one every time I read one of his post just remember that he hacked and after he admitted it he told all of us to fuck off. WTF. It just pisses me off. We all make fag jokes and all other kind of jokes , but that doesn't reflect how we feel about them. I'm sure if I'd find out that one of my friends is gay I wouldnt mind at all.
Most people responded the way they did cause they don't want him around because the way he acted, not because of his sexual orientation.
And they just want him to go away.



New Member
Deviant, I want you to notice that I have been staying out of this. I have no comment except, why the huge post Deviant? You truly are the victor for the underdog. I'm so proud of you son. Now get daddy a sammich.


New Member
nice post dev, i just dont kno why someone is comin to a forum based on a server of a game that he got banned from, and will never return. far as i kno it billy is his only friend. he lied to us all over n over again, i dont hack, i hack, blah blah, im sorry i hacked, blah blah, i helped code a anti hack blah blah. but ur right ill just ignore him and delete or edit anything on his posts if needed. also im glad u admitted to hacking, 1st day i seen u i felt that u had a wall hack and was too sure of it, i feel good about that.


New Member
Deviant said:
is he gonna headshot you through a wall by typing something?
Lmao -aims at the head through the double doored entry to this post-
On a serious note, THANK YOU. thank you for acnowledging that I appologized and that I admitted it.
also im glad u admitted to hacking, 1st day i seen u i felt that u had a wall hack and was too sure of it, i feel good about that.
I'm glad I helped make your prediction come true =P.

On another note, because of something said in this post.

Ok, I'm sorry I was being an ass to everyone when I admitted it. I did deserved to get ragged on for it, I just didnt know some of the posts about me would be so hurtful. _I_ reacted differently than anticipated at first.

I appologize to everyone that I threw immature insults at them, it wasnt my place, nor my usual way, to do so.

Btw, regardless of the insults that I said, and the ones said against me. I STILL think your all kick ass, awesome gamers, and regardless of the fact that I was hacking, I STILL got owned from time to time. So, I also thank you for owning me with those skills, you deserve to be CPL, all of you that owned me, cause I know how hard it is to go against hackers.


New Member
xano that post was very touching lol.

sorry if i ever rubbed off as an asshole, i know we used to be pretty cool and then a punx member was insulted so thats when i got pissed. So im sorry for anything that i did that harmed ya.


New Member
Satan said:
xano that post was very touching lol.

sorry if i ever rubbed off as an asshole, i know we used to be pretty cool and then a punx member was insulted so thats when i got pissed. So im sorry for anything that i did that harmed ya.
its ok man, im sorry for anything i said to you that was dick-like.