EDotA: the plague of Dota


New Member
Version 6.34, the most current official version, is the most frequently played on Battle.net and LAN parties. Most importantly, shortmode has been changed to easymode.[/b]
-Wikipedia's Dota Page

<img width=\\"501\\" class=\\"attach\\" src=\\"http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i46/refl3ctive/bnetdiversity.jpg\\" border='0' alt=\\"IPB Image\\" />
- pic taken by VGsatomi at wc3sear.ch

as you can see dota is a plague corrupting those of the wc3 world, as a qoute by dayoh:
Mappers are pretty much dying out though, like with the ever growing success of DotA most people are like "is this map like DotA?" and it isnt so they dont try [/b]

This is a post from CPL (cyber professional athlete) forums
A game is usually 30+ minutes and the replays are extremely popular. The last season cal championships had over 35,000 DLs combined and games have begun being broadcast on waaagh TV and shoutcasted live. I would just like to start this petition to see what DOTA needs to do to be added to CPL and to gather support. DOTA is a completely different then all these FPS games that are competing with each other and if given the chance you would see how much support the game really has. Who else would like to see DOTA added or considered for CPL? [/b]

Dota is plague that has swept over the world and its wc3 players, it has even spread to asia which a version has been released in korean language, and what dayoh has said is true, if a AOS is made ppl will ask 'is this like dota?' then wont try it. Also to the fact that DotA clans are constructed, i mean its such borement, playing dota everytime you are on. In my ideals are that the only dota ive ever truely enjoyd was DotA 3.7 for RoC... heros were limited to a small amount (7-10 per team, dont remember) no 'alrandom' 'shortmode' etc etc and and it was good classic fun on RoC, now the constantley updated versions known today. DotA creators have even gone to such lengths as to using the Banlist, to keep ppl from leaving and preventing them from returning. i admit it, i have played DotA in the recent past, who hasnt? its everywhere and every aspect of wc3 has a section of DotA implemented. if dota is such fun it should be purchased by a big name company and made into a separet game, then wc3 could return to the times in which dota was not the 'rage' of wc.

many map-makers see dota as a god of mapping, in a way where they want to make there own dota-like map. in wc3sear.ch's map archive AOS type maps is the biggest map catagorie on the site (excluding miscilanious)

these are my opinions, and you can choose to agree or disagree, i wouldnt hold it against you and you shouldnt hold this against me


New Member
Yes, DotA has become over-popular. Why? It's simplistic. And it has a long history.
I'm told that a long time ago DotA used to have complicated spells, and was very unlike what it is today.
Now I like to play DotA once and a while, I'm not saying that's wrong, but there are other maps to play.


New Member
Must you always advertise? :p
DotA is dying off a bit. People are starting to play other maps :eek:
I guess no one was able to get their good maps out there like DotA did, so no others could be BNet popular.


New Member
my first guess is that you'll release the campaign first before your multiplayer maps are released, so there will still be a dota domination until you release some multiplayer maps


New Member
I didn't say it should die completely, but I'd like to see some other maps rise. I'm hoping that maybe my BW 1.0 may be enough to bring the Footmen Wars genre back.


New Member
None of them are really worth playing... you're better off w/DotA, b/c most Footmen Wars maps (Frenzy included; Frenzy foremost actually; Balance Wars is the only exception) are basically just hero battles anyway. DotA does a better job of hero battles, so...


New Member
Only when the people using the heroes were noobs. Basically, the only way an experienced player using units can win is by facing noob hero guys.


New Member
Maybe. But units are still important. Even if you are using a hero, if you have 3 on a team that are all heroes, you'll lose. You need at least one to go units.
But...this topic is about DotA.
One thing I don't like about it is how many different modes there are, and some are pretty dumb/pointless.