EDotA: the plague of Dota


New Member
I wouldnt mind if the map that would get popularity after DotA would be H vs O. I like it, though i dont like peeps that enter, load their lvl 30 and rip the place up.


New Member
Going on with speculations, Champions of Durance or Hands of Sorrow Knight(both very good AoS) could try to take over too. HoSK is similiar to DotA in some places but adds custom hero making(well, you take the basic hero and give him 2 custom skills and choose his ultimates from those available for the particular hero. Has 2 preset skills aswell).

And CoD: i find it easier than DotA and harder than HoSK. Has quite interesting heroes and some skills are really unique(like martial artist's ultimate which involves keyboard combinations).
And ill check the DotA history someday perhaps.


New Member
TGS is also a great AoS, it's extremely balanced. And I have the ultimate strategy in that map, it never fails lol.
I wish TGS would take over DotA...
But I wish my WoT AoS would take over more :p


New Member
Yeah, i played TGS too, though i never could get good in it.
But i know one of the best "how to kill everyone" tactics on HoSK. People who finish playing with me always say "Gnoll is so imba...". I dont deny that though, reasonable choice of skills and ultimates make him nearly unstoppable herokiller. As he can get like... 3 nukes(nukes are stormbolt like spells). Add proper movement speed and hp and he's the strongest hero.


New Member
My strategy in TGS is using the PotM with Cold Arrows, Shadow Strike, ult-depends, then later I get WW, Critical and Bash.
Her starting ability makes you attack super fast so...you can see the cheapness :p
And to think, that was my very first strategy :p
But, this topic was about DotA.
As for that, DotA is a good map. A GOOD one. Nothing special, even though people believe it is amazing.
What I HATE is these so-called "clans" becoming DotA clans. That's stupid.


New Member
Did I mention that DotA has entered www.wikipedia.com?
Well it has. That's how far the popularity of DotA has extended to. Oh ya, if you want to learn the history of DotA, you'll find it there.

thats where the fiorst line of my info can from :)

and the thought of dota clans is (forgive me) retarded... i like dota so much and so do these guys lets start a clan!


New Member
Although i agree with you undead i also disagree. My clan is centred around one map but no one else's is.If you want to centre a clan around a map at least be the makers of the map in the clan.


New Member
Im geussing your talking about clan cbs where they make alot oof goods maps ;) anyway my clan well shigee's clan are currently working on a sequel to the original map that was made.and it going pretty good also all our members are begginer map makers and have some of there own maps in the works and looks promising.


New Member
Well, I've never played DotA often. Heroes can stomp you good when they're a bunch of levels higher than you, but I'll stay smug whenever use my beloved Nerubian Assassin and his Vendetta ultimate along with Impale and Mana Burn. I was able to catch up (mostly) with my teammates in kills. :yay:

Most of the heroes in DotA are lousy mostly 'cause I'm not used to playing with most f those types very often.