G'day Mates



New Member
watch out for fladian![/b]

Don't worry, Werewulf. My avatar actually is a little similar to the real me. Unless you think that, that person looks like a "big cat", then I might just be one :p
I'll leave it to the imagination.


New Member
I never said I was a guy, if I remember right. Though my memory isn't something to be proud of.

Besides, even though my avatar is a girl. I did say, "a little similar to the real me", try to think of that first before making hasty conclusions.


New Member
Male. Definitely male! Male, male, male! :p
Okay, okay, I'll stay quiet :p Yet, I remain with my last words, there is something similar to my avatar and me.
Unless I know how soemone looks, I look at their avatar,
Raging is an evil, cold hearted tank!
Werewulf is a Vicious Wolf
And Fladian is Fladian!

I understand what Fladian is saying, but I don't know how he looks like (or she =P)

Anyways, welcome to the big iron square werewulf....


New Member
maybe fladian wanna mean he has a personality alike with the peaceful cute asian girl in his avatar

or he is just wasting our time with his misteries!