I probably won't be around as much.


New Member
I'm starting my new job at a local amusement park called Kennywood tomorrow and so I probably won't be on as much anymore. This is a temporary job, until another park it owns called Sandcastle (its a waterpark) opens on June 4th. I think I'm going to be working mostly 11-9 but I could work nights or daylight, I never really know. At Sandcastle however, I'll be working maintenance and I'll have to work 630am - 230pm. I'll also be working a night job while at Sandcastle about 4 days a week at a clothing store called Pacific Sunwear. I wrote a book about it because I'm bored, not like any of you would notice my absence anyway :)


New Member
you got some good ideas...

Gym teacher, working at a park like that... I'm on to you Dev, smart man!

:twisted: good luck at your new job, see ya sometimes.

I gotta go back to work myself, now that my neck is... kinda better. So next week will not have Dirty online for 24 hours!


New Member
Yeah...after next week i prob wont be playing much neither. I might be starting a new job and it'll be 12 hour shifts...KILL ME NOW


New Member
Damn...I bet it would be awesome to work at a water park. Do you get to ride the slides after hours at all with no lines? Cause that would make it worth it even if it was min. Wage.


New Member
LOL Kennywood! Our daughter company American Ornamental Iron just fabricated and installed some ornamental railings there a few weeks back. Personally, I haven't been to Kennywood since the summer of '01. I loved that place when I was little. A couple of friends and I got kicked off of the haunted hideaway for grabbing the sides and stopping the boat in middle of the ride. The boat behind us rammed us, then the boat behind them, and so on. AHHH! Flashlights come on, we get escorted off of the ride, threatened by park employees. Oh my, good memories from a 12 year old. At any rate- since you will be in town we definitely have to lan. Moneyshot lives about 5 min from sandcastle.


New Member

Yo dipshit your wokring at kennywood! I been there 3 times yo!

Plus i used to work at CedarPoint and Geauga Lake so I know amusemt park jobs....THEY SUCK!

And u work at PACSUN man thats awesome.

I was actually thinking of applying at our local one....



New Member
I'm only workin PacSun because I have a bunch of friends there and it's more of a social gathering when we work.

Smokey, hell yeah man let me know. I'll be working pretty much every day from 630 - 230, after that I can chill at the park and ride shit for free.


New Member
More pro pb tourtaments means much more complicated work for billy : ( i to will also not be here as much. Pro guns are a pain in the ass to fix : (


New Member
As summer hits I am sure most of us will not be around as much; as for me if my background check comes back clean I will most likely be working third shift, so you might see me once in a while, but that is a few weeks off. So I guess we will see who is here when they are here.


New Member
Same shit.
Right now I can't play much cause the foreign students didn't get here yet....but the turists did :roll: . So I'm kinda fucked ...working 60+ hours weekly.


New Member
Damn, I thought everyone would be on MORE during summer..

We should all get jobs as second grade teachers. Y'know, because second graders are old enough to know better and still too young to care. And we get summers off.

Speakin' of Summer, she looked so good at prom!

/O.C. fanboy exclamation


New Member
I have my degree / certification in Secondary Education too teach Social Studies/ Economics, but due to the fact that I live in Buffalo, NY and we are closing schools I have to try to find another job. I have a degree that is utterly useless for anything accept teaching, and as we continue to lose population I don't see that happening anytime soon; even if there was a dramatic shift, in this area, as in most, it is still who, not what you know.
Can you imagine me teaching highschool kids! I loved it when I student taught, and had fun doing it, but that was then, and now I am trying to become a Fedral C.O. so I can babysit bad guys -lousy job, great pay and great benefits; the government will never shut down, and I wont lose retirement, but standing around watching prisoners does not sound like a "good day at the office". I have no idea why I was rambling on, but there you have it, me in a nutshell, er bannana peal. :wink: