Rippin' Rocket vs Thor's Turbojet


New Member
Rippin' Rocket vs Thor's Turbojet are 2 Exclusive Items for the UK and Germany which you get if you buy the magazine.

I could purchase the magazine and put the codes on here as a competition?

I could keep the codes for my own use?

I could buy more then one magazine / multiple codes?


New Member
Thor’s Turbojet outfit looks pretty awesome. I think that those magazines could be available in some Finlands shops too (theres lots of foreigner magazines available)... Which numbers of those magezines include codes?

Comp would be nice too :cool:


New Member
murpo said:
Every month they release codes in there magazine for each piece of equipment
Tell me when it starts and I'll check the nearest market :cool: And comp would be still nice, so I don't have to bother :D


New Member
Dude i live in Ukraine so i can only dream about it XD You can buy it for $ or euros and i don't have money even for that magazine (they don't sell them in our country anyway :D )

Oh i hope there's gonna be some contest for them :)


New Member
I cant wait to have my set... and I would jsut do comp for the mask/jetpack cause that is what most will want and u dont go broke doing so :p


New Member
b00sted said:
I cant wait to have my set... and I would jsut do comp for the mask/jetpack cause that is what most will want and u dont go broke doing so :p

I don't much care for the actual rocket pack parts of the outfit, having seen them in game. Masks are quite cool, but it's the jacket and holsters I'm looking forward to.