Specialist Weaps


New Member
Specialists used to have O.K weapons until the Grenade Launcher came out. It owns in tight areas like Junk Flea. Now they also have the Mini-gun, The exact one the Super Spy has. All the specialist weapons are going out of control next they might make an atomic bomb for them or something. (Maybe just a regular bomb....idk)


Active Member
Ok, I just replied to your other new thread that you started, why didnt you add this on to there to rage some about specs in general instead of just the perm guns. If you hate it so much, go get some nx yourself and fight back (and buying NX makes Combat arms Better for everyone) , or you could be like the rest of the people and just learn from every death on what not to do.


Active Member
Yes, but it comes down to NX, where you could have made it into one topic, where instead having 2 is kinda pointless, for similar things that could be combined. Its no biggy I'm just saying that they could have been together and it wouldnt have made any bit of a differnce except another thread thats already been created and covered.