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New Member
I'm staying out of the CZ server. You guys are getting fuckin weird on me. The forum is bullshit now. I would rather watch fox news than read this shit and you have to go pretty damn low to make me watch fox news. Let's get back to normal stuff like Blze killing hosties. Bunch of word predators.


New Member
Can we lock this nonsense now, go find something else to get your panties in a bunch over, it's only a matter of time before another drama filled thread comes up, save your witty comebacks and deep cultural views in reserve until then.


New Member

Now that you guys/gals have finally posted about this, I will post about it.

I placed the swearfilter on the server Saturday.

I did not post about it or tell anyone about it.

All of a sudden people started getting gagged.

The reason I put this on was to show that we as people enjoy our freedom of speech. (I did not say Americans, where it is a Constitutional right, I said people.) As Americans we enjoy being able to run along and call someone STUPID n00b or a variety of other insults. In a virtual world, you can not see the race, creed, nationality of the other screen.

I did it as a course in political awareness. We don’t like it when people tell us what to say, what to think, how to dress, who we can have as friends, who we know.

The freedoms that we, as Americans, enjoy are due to time told efforts of diligence and fortitude.

Also being said freedom of speech is not guaranteed when it is directed toward a person in a derogatory manner.

The purpose of adding this filter was to see how you, the player, took the censoring.

It worked! We all now know how it is to be censored and how we do not like it.

We are all adults (should be) that play on our servers. We need to take responsibility for what we say do. We also like the ability to relax and not follow what may be PC.

I for one enjoy the ability to say "Are you Churching? You are illing bringing that here." Then again I am also a professional in both my work and at the Fire House. You will never see or hear me say a derogatory statement toward a person in harshness. I will tell you to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" but not any of the urban slang that dominates most conversations in society (well I do use some of them.)

Now that this has brought a conversation to light:

  • Enjoy playing
    Support your friends and family
    Take a path that is yours
    Respect yourself

    and lastly


The mod will be turned off soon...


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