Top 5 books.


New Member
Just curious as to what books you guys have read/suggest. Here are mine (not a huge reader but I read much more than I used to).

1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy - J.R.R. Tolkien
2. American Gods - Neil Gaiman
3. The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
4. Angels and Demons - Dan Brown (Still reading it but I'm fuckin hooked)
5. Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut

King Ad. Rock

New Member
1. Band of brothers-Ambrose
2. Teacher Man- Frank McCourt
3. Godfather
4. >_< Dick winters autobiography (cant remember the name)
5. Any john grisham book


New Member
DaVinci Code/Angels & Demons
Pet Cemetary
*WWII book about the "Death March"*-forgot the name
Napalm & Silly Puddy

dont read so much. currently am on "The Gun Slinger" starting off the Dark Tower Series. a lot of WWII and Vietnam "documentaries" make it in front of my face but i just read the good parts a lot and skip the BS.

Juggs, weren't you telling me about American Gods? or was that my buddy todd? hmm, i want to check it out tho.


New Member
blze said:
DaVinci Code/Angels & Demons
Pet Cemetary
*WWII book about the "Death March"*-forgot the name
Napalm & Silly Puddy

dont read so much. currently am on "The Gun Slinger" starting off the Dark Tower Series. a lot of WWII and Vietnam "documentaries" make it in front of my face but i just read the good parts a lot and skip the BS.

Juggs, weren't you telling me about American Gods? or was that my buddy todd? hmm, i want to check it out tho.

Once you start the dark can never leave. Roland of Gilead is a bad mofo...

(you'll also find that once you start reading the tower...there are LOTS and LOTS of his books that are secretly following the beam. You'll get that beam part soon. All things serve the matter what dimension you are in.)


New Member
yes sir, that was me telling you about american gods, probably one of the best books i've ever read.

1. american gods
2. the tao of physics
3. food of the gods
4. the heart of the budha's teachings
5. electric kool aid acid test


New Member
1. tao of physics - Fritjof Capra (that's to bunny)
2. Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa-puffs - Chuck Klosterman
3. dharma punx - Noah Levine
4. Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut (nice dev)
5. Angels & Demons - Dan Brown (I read this before The Da Vinci Code I need to buy that one now)

And yes, the dark tower novels are crack. Same with Marque de sad's work and the sleeping beauty chonicles
B' Ooks? what are b' ooks?

Manuals that come with games only bigger?

I like asmov, Cussler, McAffrey, Anthony, Weiss+Hickmann.

too many books to just likst 5

I did get my more than complete hitchhikers guide autographed when I was working at Washington University in St Louis and he came to lecture.


New Member
1. Red Storm Rising - Tom Clancy
2. Flight of the Old Dog - Dale Brown
3. Without Remorse - Tom Clancy
4. The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown
5. The Templar Legacy - Steve Berry


New Member
1. Flowers for Algernon -Daniel Keyes
2. The whole Ender series ( Ender's shadow was my fav. though) - OSC
3. Angels & Demons ( Brown is teh man)
4. 1984 - Orwell
5. Brave new World - Huxley

I dont believe these are categorized as "books" , but I also enjoyed all the following works ( I love greek philosophy and mythologies and tragedies ofcourse...shakespeare is just a fuckin' he is known today as the most successful plagiarist..but whatever) :

-Most of the works by Sophocles; Ajax , Philoctetes, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, etc.
-Some works by Shakespeare; Hamlet and Macbeth.
-Plato's Timaeus, Critias, and the Republic.

Currently reading On the Motion of Animals -by Aristotle. Amazing stuff.


New Member
mYth said:
1. Red Storm Rising - Tom Clancy
2. Flight of the Old Dog - Dale Brown
3. Without Remorse - Tom Clancy
4. The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown
5. The Templar Legacy - Steve Berry

myth it seems we have the same taste in books.

i have read alot of books in my life, but i dont think i can pick 5

lord of the rings is by far the best though( im in the middle of reading it for the millionth time)


New Member
1.His Dark Materials(Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass) - Phillip Pullman
2.Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
3.Magical Thinking - Augusten Burroughs
4.Harry Potter Series :)
5.The Rule of Four - Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason


New Member
CuRRyINaHuRRy said:
1. Flowers for Algernon -Daniel Keyes
2. The whole Ender series ( Ender's shadow was my fav. though) - OSC
3. Angels & Demons ( Brown is teh man)
4. 1984 - Orwell
5. Brave new World - Huxley

I dont believe these are categorized as "books" , but I also enjoyed all the following works ( I love greek philosophy and mythologies and tragedies ofcourse...shakespeare is just a fuckin' he is known today as the most successful plagiarist..but whatever) :

-Most of the works by Sophocles; Ajax , Philoctetes, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, etc.
-Some works by Shakespeare; Hamlet and Macbeth.
-Plato's Timaeus, Critias, and the Republic.

Currently reading On the Motion of Animals -by Aristotle. Amazing stuff.

A Huxley fan...nice :)


New Member
loudboy i like harry potter dont get me wrong the books are good, but the fact that there is so many other fiction books with better content.

and by the way, i thought of my number 2 fav series

Dragonlance written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman