


New Member

you know teh Real Bunny has the major <3 for you. reality is malleable. do your thing.

perhaps you should explain the situation from a softer side of things. i mean really, you just moved from one coast of the country to the other! the culture shock is deafening, the awe of the place is a major factor there too. i'd suggest just hanging out more as friends and checking out the sites together. it helps to bring ppl together in a way that sex can't. and of course sex opens doors that only it can open. but until your heart is comfortable in your new SURROUNDINGS i doubt seriously it will be comfortable in the arms of your lady.

get my drift?

mucho love and good wishes
rock the fuck out


New Member
we'll see. If anything, I'm going to call it quits and just rent the upstairs room and make that money. She got pissed off about an hour ago because she asked me to come spend the day at work with her. She's working from 9:45am to 6pm. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend all that time in a bar not knowing anyone and barely talking to her. BUT she got mad at me for not waiting to spend time with her!!!!!! I didn't say anything because I knew I would cuss more then actually say something of meaning. I'm going to take a different approach bunny. Well see what happens.


New Member
omg! I just got this email from her!!!

I'm not trying too hard to please you. I want to please me. I've wanted 
to have a good chance at something with u for a bit and I've missed you 
and I'm excited and happy for once, can't you understand that? It's 
a long time since I've felt these things and I think you're treating me 
like shit. I understand that I always want to do a million things and I 
can appreaciate that you run a a slower pace. But just constantly 
turning me down and knocking me is frustrating. I know u need to do 
own thing. But can't you become a real part of my life once in a while 
too? Can't I be extatic and floss for a second? Can't we do something 
together with you feeling like I won't let you be your own person? Are 
you really here to start something WITH me, or are you here to do your 
own thing? Sleeping on the couch is not fair to either one of us. I 
deserve to be treated better because I love you and if showing it is 
"trying too hard," then I have nothing left to say but get over 
yourself. The worst thing you have to complain about your girlfriend is 
that she's crazy about you and is content and happy doing things you 
like to do.
Boy, that's tuff. You wouldn't feel so bad if you would just address 
your issues. You don't want to medicate but Miriam's classes just did 
all these new studies on nicotine and for fuck sake, you really want to 
feel better, then quit smoking, start on some welbutrin, eat and drink 
water regularly, and exercise for 20 minutes once or twice a week. Then 
start on some zanax. Otherwise, can help you anymore than just care for 
you. The crime of the century

and then I get this one after it

Okay, so maybe my last message was too brash. I have a bad temper, I 
to vent. Thanks for being here, take your time transitioning, I'll back 
off. I love you and want you to be happy. You tell me how I can help. 
Otherwise, I do want to spend time with you and do stuff. But I'll slow 
my roll some. Have a good day. If you change your mind about the party 
at the Rustic, let me know, Miriam is coming for a bit, she can pick u 
up, or I can. <3

sudhfiudyfhuisdy fusdyufsadufyksudafy usdhu!!!! I'm GOING STRAIGHT I SWEAR TO GOD AFTER THIS IS OVER!


New Member
gah, reading that made me all of a sudden feel not so excited about going straight... I'll just fuck what i want when i want and have no relationship. Fucking cunt... I wrote her back.

wow, tell me again that i need medication...

Not the most poetic or longated email in the history of "Internet" but it expresses my more noticable mood after reading what she had to say.


New Member
Well Tina it looks like she set you up pretty well..take the risk and tell her how you think..clearly stuff isn't going too well between ya'll. If you love her, tell her, if you don't tell her also. She has a right to know that the relationship might not be going anywhere. And Tina, you know we're always here if you need to vent...clearly :D

lol @ sleeping on the couch

oh yeah...


penis=fun times =) (but i'm sure you already know this)