We want source



New Member
the bunny is normally busy at night hanging out with the Lady Laura Lye. thats why i'm not on at night any more.

but hell, if you could get laid every night you'd choose that over a video game too!


New Member
No eggs... That is ok... I would rather spend time with mine too... then get up after she fell asleep...

Source has been running nicely lately too..

We have had a good turn out.

I see that some people are really starting to get thier ideas together for new machines too...


New Member
im a source hater for more than just the rason keizor says

i will post soon as to reasons...
at work now and cant collect my thots on why i hate source and the following

select * from (table name's) ect....


New Member
I have a 733mghz computer. 256ram. and a Nvidia 5700 Geforce FX. as well as 40 Gig. If mine can handle source (right bunny :), cough* 40-11) then anybodies can! And keep in mind, my comp is 6-8 years OLD! Good old Pentium!


New Member
Source huh? Do you really want me play source? It's ON! Time to contaminate teh source server. :wink: There is only ONE thing that I like about source....AWP. They have taken out teh gay delay and the awp is easy as pie with no scopes easily done like in 1.5. Is awp on the CSS server for punx? You guys are in for a treat :p