What games you got ?


New Member
Adiman423 said:
I have only got Wii sports atm, hoping to get mario strikers charged football for my birthday, which is on november 4th.

If you wait eight more days you could get Super Mario Galaxy??? It realeases November 12th....


New Member
Wiiâ„¢ Sports
Marioâ„¢ Strikers Charged Football
Need for Speedâ„¢ Carbon
Mario Partyâ„¢ 8
Big Brain Academyâ„¢ for Wii

Still waiting for SM: galaxy and hoping that the price of Zelda TP will drop. :)


New Member
I have just got mine, only got wii sports, but getting these games tomorrow morning.
Wii Play
Crash of the Titans
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Brain Academy


New Member
1. wii sports
2. wii play
3. red steel
4. mario strikers charged football
5. excite truck
6. heatseeker
7. legend of zelda twilight princess
8. farcry vengeance


New Member
Wii Sports
Wii Play
Mario Strikers
Sonic and Secret Rings
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Super Paper Mario
Virtual Console
Paper Mario
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Yoshi's Story.


New Member
Danny said:
Wii Sports
Wii Play
Mario Strikers
Sonic and Secret Rings
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Super Paper Mario
Virtual Console
Paper Mario
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Yoshi's Story.

MAN..........You are lucky i only have Mario Party 8 and Wii sports and not even a single VC game.........


New Member
beerbert said:
1. wii sports
2. wii play
3. red steel
4. mario strikers charged football
5. excite truck
6. heatseeker
7. legend of zelda twilight princess
8. farcry vengeance

If you don't mind me asking are the games I've bolded any good, because I'm sorta interested in them...