What happend to this great server today?

Was on today around 6:15 eastern for a rousing game of pool day. Was going fine until Satan got on and started slaying random ppl. He also took off the tk stuff. Like when you shoot someone right in the beginning and you explode...gone! Also took out the options on what to do to said individual after they kill you. TKing was NUTS and when I complained he llammaed me and kicked. My other clanmate got slain constantly too. 420-SWAT recommended this server because it has great admins, no lag and no awp. It has been my favorite place to play for a good month now. It was a sad day today when someone had to ruin it for everyone. :(


New Member
SilverSmith for one thing i wouldnt even change the mods on the server because i am not the top administrator Defender is. Second of all only reason i kick is if you are being extremely gay and being a dick. I have the right to do that i am an admin if you have aproblem with it send me a pm dont go whining to the website we dont want to waste our time on shit like this.


New Member
DAMMIT....more of my life wasted !! Just wanted to add my 2 cents, Pool_day = Admin Hell. You have spawn killers, TK'ers when the people in game get high, and CAMPERS. I played with a person that had the balls to Spawn kill me....right after I sent a global message not to..... There for giving me a reason to constantly slay at my own amusement :) Which I didn't, but could of ! In sumation. F POOL DAY, GO SPEEDBALL INSTEAD !