What Newbs say

The Lone Sniper

New Member
Well, a VERY long time ago, I started a new character and this guy called me "hacker" for having the starter KD, saying instead of 1.00 it was 100. I said " Idiot! It is the STARTER KD, not 100, but 1.00! Get a life!". Any other phrases you hear newbs say alot?


New Member
I heard someone say "There's no way you are not hacking, u can kill me in 3 shots with UMP"...

My fav's are people putting in "noob" after weapon I use to get kills.. as in, if I use a shotgun its "shotty noob", if I use UMP, its "ump noob" and if I use nades to kill... i get called "nade noob". If I use G36e, its "g36 noob"... and the rest of the guns are "hacker noob".

I usually deal by saying "I am not hacking, but I know you are. I have proof".. then ignore their desperately emotional retaliation while I get kills.


Well, a VERY long time ago, I started a new character and this guy called me "hacker" for having the starter KD, saying instead of 1.00 it was 100. I said " Idiot! It is the STARTER KD, not 100, but 1.00! Get a life!". Any other phrases you hear newbs say alot?

Lone, I'm wondering why on earth you bother typing something, when we've CLEARLY established from all your other posts that no one cares.


New Member
I heard someone say "There's no way you are not hacking, u can kill me in 3 shots with UMP"...

My fav's are people putting in "noob" after weapon I use to get kills.. as in, if I use a shotgun its "shotty noob", if I use UMP, its "ump noob" and if I use nades to kill... i get called "nade noob". If I use G36e, its "g36 noob"... and the rest of the guns are "hacker noob".

I usually deal by saying "I am not hacking, but I know you are. I have proof".. then ignore their desperately emotional retaliation while I get kills.

I don't say noob especially if they are owning me i say shotty pro:D
ps. supposed to be joke if you don't get it or is it pun?........


New Member
Offense intended when I say my brain hurts every time I read one of Lone Sniper's posts.

Especially his guides.

Worse than a bender on ether.