Why are you just reading?


New Member
The server stated that there were 6 guest and only 2 members on the site right now.

Well I dont see enough new messages for all this activity....

Can ya register... login... and post something?

I guess everyone is just looking at the live server stats.


New Member
Well I was trying to think of my 5 most favorite movies to post on the Top 5 thread...pointless but fun. let's see.
I'm sitting at my job in the Student Learning Center at the University of Georgia right now this very second. I'm really bored and want walk for 10 minutes up hill into the downtown area of Athens so I can get 2 slices of Pizza from Little Italy and a Dr. Pepper for $4.82. I always give them the $0.02 then put the $0.20 in the tip jar. I'm sure they think I'm a cheapskate asshole for doing this...but I get satisfaction from thinking they think that cause I AM a cheapskate asshole. What are you doing this very second worm?