World to end in 2012 or 2039?


New Member
Haven't seen Inconvenient Truth, but my parents are gonna make me (they already saw it). I've heard it's good, but as for Global Warming being a pandemic, that's debatable.
For those who would like to hear the OTHER side of Global Warming, there's a book by Michael Crichton called State of Fear. I recommend everyone reads this and then makes their opinion on Global Warming.
The book on Ebay


New Member
Who cares.
This is just some bullshit the mayans made up like 2000 years ago.
The mayans were sacrifical, and believed their king was a god.
Why should we trust some ancient empires religious theorys?
Notice their all dead.


New Member
The world is coming closer to ending every day. The exact date the world ends can be predicted (theories can always turn out to be true, etc) and it can be stopped, however it will take the cooperation of a number of people, however large that number may be. At the moment, one person alone can't do much, especially stop the world from ending, but that may change in the future. As for the meteor theory, check out the movie Deep Impact. In the future we may have a way of stopping meteors from destroying us, but there are other ways the world could end and most of them are "man-made".


New Member
abdumac, please do not spam, that is not tolerated here.
All of these so-called predictions are only made by "looking at the stars" or some other crap that's completely bogus.


New Member
Well, come to think of it... I guess it is possible for a single person to save the world. If there is anything that would destroy the world, then I am pretty much convinced it is humanity itself, but in order to stop that, like Miranox said, (welcome, btw) it would need the help of a large number of people. However, it is more than possible. Just one person needs to set an example and seem to get people to follow them. Hitler would be the best example I can give out here, though he was aiming on something completely different than "saving" the world. But it is no big secret that he got a giant amount of people behind him, which is exactly what I am referring to.

Off to school I am... :p


New Member
Lol I dont think any of them predictions are right, Technology isn't good enough to even get the wheater right most of the time -_- so i dont realy think there will be an end of the world any time soon. >_>