A Great Website


New Member
Well, regardless, it has been fixed now.

As for being on-topic, I just hope that it will get this site more active... after all, that's the main point of this too, as I recall. :p


New Member
Unfortunately that doesn't always mean that people from that site would go to a less active (and less popular) site too. But in all honestly, I've never heard of Epic-War until now... in a way, that's understandable because I lost the habit of browsing sites as of late, but still. :p


New Member
It is popular from the standpoint of how much traffic it gets (roughly 50% more traffic than wc3sear.ch), but it has absolutely no community right now. It's basically a big anonymous repository of maps, at the moment.

My goal is to eventually turn EpicWar into a community that will complement many other sites such as Anvil, Hive, Wc3s, and WorldOfWar.net :1337:
It may take some time, but it will be worth it in the long run.


New Member
That is to be expected.

However, not much of a community, you say. But that's mostly similar to Wc3sear.ch as I recall. The Wc3sear.ch never had a decent community and was mostly a download site than anything else... or at least, in my point of view and if my memory serves.


New Member
I guess so. I always considered wc3sear.ch to have at least a little bit of a community though (through the forums)...at least more of acommunity than EpicWar does.


New Member
I still haven't visited it yet, but if UNdead is wishing luck, I'm sure he does for a reason. :p Therefore my best wishes too. :p


New Member
Epicwar is known as to be the public dumb of maps. Uploading is easy and no registering needed.
Bad things are that there is basicly no supervision at all. I've seen people submit 5 times their map (the same version) just that their map gets more attention. Also people submit their maps without thinking, you could see like 'mapY v.1.00', 'mapY 1.01', 'mapY 1.01b' etc. submitted right after each other.
The whole site is anynonymous. You cant tell who submitted what map, and who rated the map. I've known about epicwar for maybe a month now, i found couple of my maps submitted on the site long ago (good that nothing in them were changed, so not a problem).
Also the comments have been disabled as long as i've been using the site, when will they be enabled again?
My suggestions are that you get some people to supervise the site, with the ability to delete maps. With little supervision the site could be great storage for various maps, but now its more like 70% (just my estimate) of dublicate maps and old versions of maps.