A Great Website


New Member
Epicwar is known as to be the public dumb of maps. Uploading is easy and no registering needed.
Bad things are that there is basicly no supervision at all. I've seen people submit 5 times their map (the same version) just that their map gets more attention. Also people submit their maps without thinking, you could see like 'mapY v.1.00', 'mapY 1.01', 'mapY 1.01b' etc. submitted right after each other.
Well, there is almost no supervision. There is a reporting system and about 3 maps get removed per day on average. Also, the site makes it physically impossible to submit the same map twice. (try uploading an exact duplicate sometime)

However, as you pointed out, a lot of people submit tons of versions of a map, like 1.00a, 1.00b, etc...which really does make the site cluttered. With a lot of storage space on the server and a fast search engine, I haven't worried about it until now. But something has to be done to get it more organized.
The whole site is anynonymous. You cant tell who submitted what map, and who rated the map. I've known about epicwar for maybe a month now, i found couple of my maps submitted on the site long ago (good that nothing in them were changed, so not a problem).
Also the comments have been disabled as long as i've been using the site, when will they be enabled again?
I had to disable comments a while ago because the site was getting tons of spam comments left by bots and people who had their computers affected by virus/spyware. I was going to write a new system to eliminate spam, but I decided to wait until the whole site gets redone soon.
My suggestions are that you get some people to supervise the site, with the ability to delete maps. With little supervision the site could be great storage for various maps, but now its more like 70% (just my estimate) of dublicate maps and old versions of maps.
Good suggestions, I completely agree. :) I plan to add moderators when the next version of the site launches, which will help keep things much more organized.

I appreciate the ideas, thanks for sharing them. :tup:


New Member
Didnt think at it at first, but, why does every map show its "real" minimap picture? And not the custom one if the map creator has made that. I fail to see the benefits of it, at worst it just alianates people away from the map if the terrain looks ugly but the map has great gameplay.

So another suggestions is that you use the same system as in wc3search, show the minimap picture that the map creator wants to show.


New Member
Didnt think at it at first, but, why does every map show its "real" minimap picture? And not the custom one if the map creator has made that. I fail to see the benefits of it, at worst it just alianates people away from the map if the terrain looks ugly but the map has great gameplay.

So another suggestions is that you use the same system as in wc3search, show the minimap picture that the map creator wants to show.

I agree 100% :tup:


New Member
There were some reasons in the past why the TGA preview was not displayed. But I will definitely allow the fancy previews to be displayed on the new EpicWar site.


New Member
I honestly don't know for sure. The new visual design and layout for the site are currently in progress and I've started programming some of the code. The code for the site is pretty complex and it takes a while to write. It will probably be finished sometime after Chirstmas. :)