afternoon naps and songs in my head


New Member
Yeah blze, I always get three lines or less of a song I don't even like in my head, and just runs over and over and over for about a week. There is a German word for it "Ohrwurm" - Ear Worm. My latest one was the line "Sweeeet Car-o-line (then I have to hum the next 5 notes)" then it starts over again.
Before that it was "Holiday Road" from the National Lampoon Summer Vacation movie (the one where they go to Wally World).
I'm still waiting for the day I get something worth while in my head, or something that I knew more than 5 words to.


New Member
bah bah bah !!!!!!

you fucker, now im gonna have that shit Caroline ringing in my
earearearearearear. its like a bad dream about a wedding over
and over again, rofl.

the one i had this week was "TNT, IM DYNO-MITE" like AC/DC or some
shit, it was awful.


the worst thing is, they pop up without me having heard them in years,
its like all of a sudden i have 80's tunes just blaring in my head, wierd/drugs.