My opinion about cannabis is that it should be regulated and taxed. Treated the same as beer, or wine. I don't think it should be as avilable to minors as it is. You can find a nicke bag in a highschool faster than a pack of cigaretes for sale, that shit aint right. No student, no child, should be woried about geting high, or drunk. School is enough of a pain in the ass without being high. You could be wasting the only oportunity you will ever have to get a formal education. After you are able to support yourself, and no one else is responsable for your actions, feel free to pull a tube down and learn the aret of joint rolling, its all good! God made it, mankinds grows it, and you and I should be able to smoke it.
nugs are generaly mids, or dank in quality. Most often it is sensamilia (without seeds) but sometimes you will find seeds in a bag of mids. they are Never compactor bud, should be trimed fairly tight with out alot of leaf or stem left on. Aroma can go fro hardly anything, lawn clippings (remember the words no thank you), Skunk, or floral and fruity. You should be able to see thichs on the buds with your eye, the more "fuzz", the fatter, and the cloudy (frosty) look the better in most cases.
I have heard many prices, but only local contacts can get you any, so you pay what they ask, or you don't get any. I would personaly draw a line at paying more than $125 for 7.5 grams (1/4 oz). but then again I remember saying I sould never pay more than $35 for one when I was much younger also, make your own call on value. But in my opinion you can make a 1/4 oz of dank buds last longet than an oz of shwagg, it tasts better, you smoke less to get high so you polute your lungs with less tar, if you ever get arested they dont' care how dank it is, 1/4 oz in your pocket is alot less hassle than 1oz when you see the judge.