Okay, I have avoided posting a reply here long enough so here is my $0.02:
The summer following my first semester of college I "went crazy" if you will. Prior to that time I did not drink, did not use tobacco, and did not even consider trying any mind altering substances. However, that summer due to reasons I can only speculate, I tried weed. I liked it. I also started smoking cigarettes. I liked both of them too much. I continued to smoke weed and cigarettes through college and for a couple of years afterwards. In addition to weed I also tampered with a few other substances, but I liked my green the best by far. I was addicted (psychologically, I have read that mary jane is not a physical addiction) because I wanted to quit but couldn't. Don't get me wrong- I quit on several occasions long enough to pass drug tests, but After passing my tests I would go back to my old ways.
Now I don't want to piss off those of you who choose to get high. Personally, I can not do it. I have an addictive personality and tend to become consumed by things of this nature. I finally did quit after receiving the proper motivation. When I got married (almost a year ago) I made an oath to myself not to get high. To add to my motivation, I just had a son a few months ago. I have made the choice to remain clean for him and to set a good example.
You may want to know "Do I think that weed is bad?" Well- yes and no. Some people can get high once a week, month, year, whatever with no consequence. They can find a healthy balance where drugs will not interfere with their career, friends, family, etc. With me it is different. I could not find that "magical" balance, therefore it was a destructive distraction in my life. I didn't steal from my grandmother, go to rehab, or anything like that but I did waste alot of time and money.
Having said that, I am still trying to piece together the causality. That is to say, why do I want to get high? Is it a symptom of a much deeper problem? Maybe I don't want to get high just "for something to do" or "because I'm bored with life". Maybe its just a social tradition with a certain group of friends. If I have the desire to escape or alter my reality, then what is wrong with my reality?
I guess I should stop here. I know that all I have done is assemble random, semi-coherent pseudothoughts, but perhaps one can glean some insight from my rhetoric. Feel free to share your own philosophies on this subject.
By the way- Puppet, let not you heart be troubled, all of us taxpayers will finance your golden years. Your generation will initiate legislation that will secure your future. My generation, on the other hand, is in deep poop.